

Tæt nederlag mod BMS

Tough loss in a very exciting game where we competed really well. We started the first quarter off in our shooting, even though we were finding good and open shots.


Deltag i lodtrækningen om en masse fede præmier

Søndag d. 10/3 kl 19:00 spiller Holbæk-Stenhus hjemme for første gang i ligaens slutspil I den anledning har vi fået sponsoreret en masse flotte præmier som du kan vinde som


Sidste hjemmekamp i grundspillet

På fredag d. 9/2 kl. 19:00 spiller Holbæk-Stenhus sin sidste hjemmekamp i grundspillet mod Bears academy som de før har slået. Kom i hallen og oplev den gode stemning som


Første sejr på hjemmebane til Holbæk-Stenhus

First win at home was the product of a great collective defensive effort. We managed to lock down their key players and reduce their shot attempts and their percentage of


Et godt defensiv mod Horsens

In reflecting on the game against Horsens, I am very satisfied with the tremendous defensive effort displayed by our team. Holding a great opponent to just 76 points is not


Endnu en sejr til Holbæk-Stenhus

Great win on the road for the team – it marked the second victory of the season, already matching the record of wins from our inaugural season in the league.


En tæt TV-kamp mod BMS Herlev

Though loss against BMS in a game that we never got hold on offensively after the first quarter.  We started off well offensively and defensively, but we progressively lost the


First win on the road

First win on the road for our team against BK Amager. We started the game nervous and erratic on offense even though we managed to force multiple turnovers. – We


Zidane Moore havde debut mod Horsens på udebane

One more game competed against one of the top teams in the league. We started the game solid, getting a 6-point lead, and were executing the game plan very well.


En god start på hjemmebane

Af Matias Camino Today the team took one step up in maturity and competitiveness. We were facing a team that was number one in the league chart with a 3-0



Det er med stor ære at jeg kan få lov til at byde velkommen til endnu en sæson hos Holbæk-Stenhus Basketball. Sæsonen vil komme til at byde på en masse


Vi er klar til sæsonen 23-24!

Det er med stor fornøjelse at jeg kan byde velkommen til sæsonen 2023-24, som ny sportschef for Holbæk-Stenhus Basketliga-hold. Dette er holdets 2. sæson i Danmarks fornemste række og selvom